Mac's is the Bass Fishing headquarters of the Eastern Sierra. We maintain a excellent selection of Bass Fishing gear that we are constantly upgrading to meet the industries standard. All of our staff are seasoned bass fisherman.
Without a doubt the Eastern Sierra is Trout Country and the our main focus at Mac's is too put you on the Trout. Whether Brown, Brook, Golden, Cutthroat, Lahontan, or Rainbow Trout we know what is working and have the gear to help you put them in the boat or net.
From the Uppers to the Lowers; into the back country and onto Crowley; Fly Fishing is magnificent in the Eastern Sierra. We have the best selection of Flies and the best price in the entire state of California. Come in to get outfitted for your next trip or to find a guide.
Dale Miller is the best gunsmith West of the Rockies and we are lucky to have him as our resident gunsmith. We are able to repair most gun models as well appraise firearms. We don't sell, buy or transfer firearms
Who needs a the comforts of a hotel or AirBNB when you have full access to the beautiful Eastern Sierra. Not only can we guide you into the right direction but we can fit you out with everything you need to survive no matter how wild you want to get.
The Cricket is the TICKET. Our signature offering is our live crickets. Only in the coldest months do we not keep crickets on deck. The browns love them. We also have various sizes of nightcrawlers and meal worms.